Hi, I’m Steve Moore
a Designer.

With over twenty years of experience as a UX and Interaction Designer, I have honed my ability to manage multiple tasks effectively. UX Design is not just a profession for me; it is my passion. I often find myself analyzing apps and websites, noting with surprise how many overlook fundamental UX principles. It is incredibly rewarding to see a project I have contributed to achieve significant returns on investment, validating the hard work and dedication put into it. Despite the challenges, my love for this field makes every project feel less like work and more like a fulfilling endeavor.

Design Philosophy

Through extensive research and countless hours of refining my craft, I have developed a robust design philosophy centered around user-focused design and agile implementation methods. Influences from leading figures in the industry have shaped and enhanced my approach, ensuring that my work is both innovative and grounded in proven principles. Additionally, I have maintained and developed design systems, provided ADA-compliant design assets, and trained others in advanced Figma design.

My dedication to fostering a collaborative environment and delivering exceptional design solutions has consistently resulted in successful projects and satisfied clients. I look forward to continuing to innovate and inspire within the ever-evolving field of UX Design.

Notable Achievements

In my current role as Principal UX/UI Designer at Kaiser Permanente, I coordinate with research teams, product owners, UX groups, design system teams, and vice presidents to guide complex projects. Managing a team of designers, I successfully redesigned the global header, footer, and UX enhancements for healthcare-related content, resulting in a 65% improvement in global site navigation engagement and enhanced global navigation task completion.

At Intel Corp, I led numerous high-impact projects, improving customer engagement by over 20% for the software, services, and sales website on Intel.com. I established a formal continuous improvement process for UX, fostering a culture of ongoing enhancement.

At Harry and David, I played a pivotal role in enhancing the online shopping experience by redesigning the checkout process, which directly contributed to an $11 million increase in sales. My work involved close collaboration with cross-functional teams to implement user-centered design principles, resulting in a more intuitive and seamless customer journey. This project not only improved user satisfaction but also drove substantial revenue growth for the company.

Frequently asked questions

Notable questions I have been asked in interviews and as a mentor

Effective communication is a fundamental skill that serves as the linchpin for all other activities within a professional setting. It encompasses the ability to listen attentively, which is crucial for understanding the needs and perspectives of others. Moreover, it involves the practice of posing thoughtful questions that can elicit more detailed and informative responses. By engaging in deeper inquiry, one can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, which is essential for achieving optimal outcomes. A deficiency in communication skills can significantly hinder performance and diminish the quality of results, underscoring its importance in any collaborative endeavor.

Throughout my professional tenure, I have been privileged to engage in a diverse array of projects, providing me with a comprehensive perspective on project management. Drawing from these experiences, I have honed my ability to enhance project outcomes significantly. My distinguishing strength lies in my thorough analysis of all project facets, enabling me to devise viable solutions. I am highly efficiency-oriented, consistently seeking opportunities to optimize project execution processes.

My methodology is structured and methodical:
1. Comprehend the issue - Identify the problem that requires resolution.
2. Define success criteria - Establish metrics for measuring success.
3. Identify potential risks - Recognize obstacles that may impede our methodology.
4. Secure commitment - Ensure resource allocation, pinpoint stakeholders, and clarify roles and responsibilities.
5. Conduct exploration and discovery - Investigate existing solutions that may address the problem and develop a strategic plan.
6. Determine the timeline - Assess how the timeline may influence our strategic approach to the solution design.
7. Implement the exploration plan and compile a comprehensive report.
8. Develop a detailed design strategy and plan.
9. Formulate a testing plan.
10. Carry out the testing plan.
11. Iterate based on findings and feedback.

I derive great satisfaction from collaborating with a team to deliver concrete outcomes that enhance the customer experience. However, I find it challenging to navigate situations involving conflicting priorities and eleventh-hour directional changes in projects, which often stem from inadequate communication within the organization.

There is a venerable adage that I hold in high regard: "If you're not failing, you're not trying hard enough." This is not to suggest that failure should be aspired to, but rather that the fear of failure should not be an impediment. Indeed, failure is an unparalleled educator. In my experience, the most resilient and effective teams are those that coalesce in the face of setbacks. They respond to challenges with professionalism and swiftly implement strategies for mitigation.

Throughout my tenure, I spearheaded a pivotal project that entailed the development and implementation of a continuous improvement process for Intel Corporation's flagship website, intel.com. This comprehensive program instituted a structured framework that empowered the organization to consistently evaluate, refine, and optimize based on actionable data insights. By harnessing this intelligence, Intel was able to systematically enhance the user interface and overall design of intel.com, markedly improving the customer journey.

This initiative marked a significant shift in Intel's digital strategy, transitioning from a historically reactive stance to an anticipatory, proactive design philosophy. The outcomes of this strategic overhaul were profound, yielding heightened customer satisfaction metrics, a notable uptick in sales revenue, and improved performance indicators for sub-site managers. These achievements underscore the project's substantial contribution to Intel's digital presence and commercial success.

I recommend dedicating time to enhancing your understanding of emotional intelligence, as it is a vital skill set in both personal and professional realms. Additionally, allocate substantial periods for reading, which can broaden your knowledge base and improve cognitive functions. Cultivate a habit of inquiry, as asking questions is a powerful tool for learning and gaining deeper insights.

Upon reflection, I would attribute my professional success to several key competencies:
- Exceptional communication abilities that facilitate clear and effective exchanges with team members and stakeholders.
- A persistent dedication to the craft of design, driven by a deep-seated passion for the field.
- A robust capacity for assimilating constructive criticism, which I leverage to enhance my skills as a designer, project manager, product owner, interaction designer, and visual designer.
- A proactive approach to professional development, characterized by actively pursuing mentorship and guidance from experienced senior designers to broaden my knowledge and expertise.

Throughout my professional career, I have developed proficiency in a diverse array of design tools, with a particular emphasis on Figma and Axure. My experience with Figma spans over seven years, during which I have attained an expert level of mastery, earning me the distinction of being a Figma enthusiast. In addition, I have dedicated approximately six years to harnessing the capabilities of Axure, leveraging its functionality to construct highly interactive prototypes.

My perspective on the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in software tools is decidedly optimistic. I anticipate that AI will exert a transformative influence on software applications in the imminent future. The integration of AI is poised to revolutionize the design process by automating routine tasks, thereby liberating designers to allocate their time and creative energies to more critical aspects of their work. This shift promises to usher in an era of increased efficiency and innovation, making the future of software design an exhilarating prospect.

Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of collaborating extensively with experts in the field of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This partnership has afforded me invaluable insights and a comprehensive understanding of accessibility standards. I firmly uphold the conviction that exemplary design is universally inclusive, ensuring that it caters to the needs of all individuals. Consequently, ADA compliance is a paramount consideration and consistently takes precedence in my design process.


As a professional, I use a wide range of tools. To increase my efficiency, I am always looking for new and innovative tools. Currently, I use Axure, ,Figma, Sketch, Adobe CS, and many others.

Adobe CS Suite









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Medford Oregon, USA


Email: steve@stevewmoore.com   
Phone: +1 (503) 334-7527